So, I took my usual trip to the DI, but returned home with
disappointment. Let me explain I have been on the lookout for a pair of brass deer. A few years ago I had seen a set of shiny silver deer in the potterybarn catalog and was in love, so I thought I can make those out of the old brass deer, I can just spray paint them silver. So, as I walk up to the check out counter at the DI (I usually try not to look at other people's carts) but I couldn't help but spot a pair of brass deer (just like these)in this lady's cart. I asked the lady if there were anymore and she responded "no, I'm sorry" I responded politely but lying through my teeth "that's okay" I wanted to say that's okay I have only been looking for some for over a year now. I shouldn't be hostile towards her she was nice, but she found my deer that I have been looking for! So, I guess I'll keep looking. I guess I could splurge and buy the ones off ebay, but I can't bring myself to pay that much when I know I can get them at the DI for $2! Here is what I did find at the DI:

Shoes $1 a pair, napkin holder $1.50, toilet paper holder $1.50
I'm not sure what I am going to do with this, but I know its got potential $2.00.
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