EASY AND SAFE opt. #1:
Walls: keep them the same (green)
Cabinets: white
Counters: same or black laminate

Walls: white
Cabinets: white

Walls: white
Cabinets: vintage green

maybe because its spring, but i am really digging the green cabinets. it would be so cute in my little, old house.
Walls: vintage jade green
Cabinets: white

{ i love the flooring in this photo!} {and the vintage appliances and mulitcolored chairs!}

here are some random kitchen photos that i really liked:

this kitchen has the farmhouse feel that i like

i love the bright and bold colors

this is a brilliant idea to hide your grocery list!
chalkboard doors, awesome

maybe i should go all white and bring in the vintage jade green accessories

is it called jadite? or something like that, i don't know but i know i love it
it's probably really expensive

did i mention that i love vintage?

i would love to have a pantry like this, oh wait i would just love to have a pantry period. some day

i am seriously thinking about painting my table and chairs like this

i've been collecting random glass containers to display on shelf like this one in my kitchen

screen door on the pantry, love it!

like the dishes hanging above the cabinets and the love the light fixtures

pretty much love everything about this kitchen, except for the glass door fridge

this kitchen has the farmhouse feel that i like

i love the bright and bold colors

this is a brilliant idea to hide your grocery list!

maybe i should go all white and bring in the vintage jade green accessories

is it called jadite? or something like that, i don't know but i know i love it
it's probably really expensive

did i mention that i love vintage?

i would love to have a pantry like this, oh wait i would just love to have a pantry period. some day

i am seriously thinking about painting my table and chairs like this

i've been collecting random glass containers to display on shelf like this one in my kitchen

screen door on the pantry, love it!

like the dishes hanging above the cabinets and the love the light fixtures

pretty much love everything about this kitchen, except for the glass door fridge
wow that was a lot of photos! so tell me what you think, which option do you like best:
opt #1
walls: same (green)
cabinets: white
counters: same or black laminate
opt. #2
walls: white
cabinets: white
counters: same or black laminate
opt #3
walls: white
cabinets: vintage jade green
counters: same or black laminate
opt #4
walls: vintage jade green
cabinets: white
counters: same or black laminate
like i said decisions, decisions!
I love option 2 the best and option 3 second. Both with black laminate! Awesome ideas though, I bet it will be awesome!
My vote is option 1 with black laminate. I am with you on loving the second picture on this post. I do love the greenish bead board back splash in one of the pictures in option 4. They are all beautiful, no matter what you decide it will look great!
great make over on the kitchen. I admire all the work and practical thinking in making the kitchen glow. It's really a good place to eat now and a good place also to enjoy food.
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