Here is a before picture of our house. It is a cute 1920's cottage style home. (we are actually framing sidewalk in this picture) We have actually done quite a bit since purchasing our home. I wish I would have gotten a picture of how it looked before we bought it. It still needs a little more work, so let me show what projects I have in mind for it...
This is the photo I found that I absolutely fell in love with. It has everything I am looking for. I love how it has both cottage and classic style.
First things first, we need to put in some sidewalk and gravel the driveway. After the not so fun stuff I want to build some shutters like she did here:
Then i am hoping to build some boxes for plants to flank the front door similar to this one here:
Then I want to either make or buy these pillows for my chairs on the porch:
Then I want to make a sunburst mirror like this one or....
make a chalkboard to hang up like she did here:
And here is a little mood board I created for the front yard: